Public Agenda
TYPE: Career and Technical Education Committee
DATE: 5/30/2024 TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: 797 Westminster Street: 3rd Floor School Board Rooms B&C
Providence School Board
1.0 Convene Meeting
1.1 Call to Order Info
2.0 Approve Agenda
2.1 Approval of the Agenda Action
3.0 Consent Agenda
3.1 Approval of Minutes - 4-25-24 Action
4.0 Planning
4.1 CTE Updates - Class of 24 preliminary data Info/Action
4.2 CTE Exit Policy - Next Steps Info/Action
4.3 CTE Stakeholder and Student Survey Info/Action
4.4 Upcoming Events - June 6th - Career Signing Day Info/Action
5.0 Adjourn
5.1 Adjourn Meeting Action